It All Started in the Kitchen

Everyone has that place in their home where they lounge and gather. Outside, we love the wide covered front porch or sitting by the pond in the backyard. Inside, my family always congregates in the kitchen. Not only do we enjoy food and cooking, for us, the kitchen is a family space. Here, we share stories about our day, have deep discussions, and sit down to family meals.

It is no wonder I began my business on my kitchen table. Not having extra space in the garage or house, I needed a place where I could work on my grapevine wreaths. I took over a corner (okay maybe 2 corners) of my kitchen. Each day, I would take out the supplies I needed (grapevines, wire cutters, wire, hot glue, florals, etc.) and make 1 or 2 wreaths. Then, I’d put it all away so we could have a family dinner or use the table for other things. This situation lasted for almost 4 months. I took supplies out, I put supplies away. Until…at some point when we began eating in the living room because I was overwhelmed and began just pushing everything to one end of the kitchen table. This is when I knew it was time to make a change, and began thinking about a permanent work space in my home.

What I learned, had I continued to work in the kitchen, I would have organized my tools and supplies much better, and planned to work for hours (3 or more) at a time each day or evening. I didn’t manage my time well. Only making 1 or 2 wreaths, rather than setting aside more time to work, was not efficient. It was a lot of trouble getting things out and putting them away for such a short time.

Having an organized workspace is essential for productivity.

What I recommend, if you have a small space, think creatively. Don’t just think of floor space, think vertical. Can you use the walls to organize or store crafts and items? Think shelves, hanging baskets, etc. What about containers? Repurpose boxes, baskets, and other containers and label them.

This past month, when my oldest daughter began a new independent chapter of her life story (so many tears and daily phone conversations) I decided to turn her room into a craft room. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but yes, I’m THAT mom! Full disclosure, I also took over the hallway leading into the craft room. The walls were bare. I did leave a twin bed in there for when she visits, and for any of our future visitors who would love to sleep in an artificial garden – without the bugs. 🙂

Here’s a look at my new space and at what I’ve done so far: